Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Technological Innovations: Overview

Technology has boomed in our society as a reliable and effective tool to aid in law enforcement practices as well as a convenience in individuals' lives. As technology expands, new uses for such technology becomes readily apparent and the first to take hold of such opportunities is our government. The beauty of our government is that there is a checks and balances system which essentially keeps each representative body in check to avoid gaining too much control over our country. It seems now that we are entering a new age where modern technology will begin to monitor our everyday activities without our impending knowledge. Proponents claim it is for our best interests regarding the safety of our country; but is our government beginning to impose on our Constitutional rights?

It is often speculated that our government could ultimately lead to our country's downfall; but is it the government? Or is it rather society's instinctive drive to reach above and beyond towards that futuristic technology aimed to help the world. The problem is not that we are striving for superior technology; it is really that some individuals within various organizations or corporations see the subtly obvious power trip that could be associated with such new found technology. The benefits of our technology obviously outweigh the negative aspects by far simply because our lives have gained much more convenience compared to those who have lived in our nation's history far before such revolutionary technological innovations. Our technology is clearly set forth to help our society as a whole but there is unfortunately the vulnerability of being possibly subjected to big brother monitoring as well. The question that really must be posed is, are we as a collective society ready for that vulnerability?

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